📚 Figure Gallery of Richard's Scanned Exhibits & Reconfigured PDF Files 🖼️
Each of the items below are figures that Richard scanned in, or are re-ordered PDF files made from Lee's scans, and/or compilations of scans done by Richard. The PDF files have a smapp preview with an (optional) title & description for each one. The figures are just the images shown in a larger format. When the image is too big for the browser viewport at full scale, the user can click on the image to inlarge it, and click again to shrink it back down.

NOTE: the red text on the images below that says things like fig-1 is only tempoary and will not be on the final website. These are labels for all documents (doc) and figures (fig) we plan to put on the website. This makes it easy for the crew to discuss moving such-and-such doc or fig to a given place in the website.
missing PDF document: Fig-2.1.jpg

missing PDF document: entire-thermal.jpg

missing PDF document: metro-to-thermal.jpg

missing PDF document: complaints.jpg

missing PDF document: aar.jpg

missing PDF document: Fig-17.1.jpg

missing PDF document: tree.jpg

missing PDF document: trees.jpg

missing PDF document: Fig-29.1.jpg

missing PDF document: Fig-29.2.jpg

missing PDF document: Fig-33.1.jpg

missing PDF document: Fig-33.2.jpg

missing PDF document: Fig-33.3.jpg

missing PDF document: Fig-33.4.jpg
Copyright © Recycling Advocates of Middle Tennessee
🚧 This website is under construction 🚧
This area contains links to things that are not actual pages in the site, but instead are references while the site is under construction.
Here is a page with different fonts that we can use on this website
📚 Here is the doc library that contains all documents scanned in by Lee. 📄
🖼️ Here is the figure gallery that contains all figures scanned in by Richard. 🖼️
🚗 This parking lot contains misc. text and info that needs placement. 🖊️