📚 Library of Lee's Scanned Documents 📄
Each of the items below are documents that Lee scanned in. The last section (Binder 8) contain the documents that Richard scanned in. The titles for each document are the original titles Lee gave when he scanned them in. Richard's titles are his best attempt to name what was in his inventory. Richard has several documents at his office that are not scanned in because they were repeats already found in Lee's 7 binders.

The below documents are sorted according to these seven binders of original scans that Lee received from John. Between Lee and Richard, there are 701 PDF files listed below. Their preview images are not shown because there are 701 preview images that would all load at once whenever this page is loaded, and this would quiclky use up our free tier of image hosting.
Binder-2 ➤ Incinerator vs Natural Gas
Binder-2 ➤ Recycling and Composting
Binder-3 ➤ Solid Waste - General
Binder-4 ➤ Recycling
Binder-5 ➤ Agendas
Binder-7 ➤ 2176 Ted Dorris Rd
Binder-7 ➤ Central Parking
Binder-7 ➤ Southern Medical Disposal
Copyright © Recycling Advocates of Middle Tennessee
🚧 This website is under construction 🚧
This area contains links to things that are not actual pages in the site, but instead are references while the site is under construction.
Here is a page with different fonts that we can use on this website
📚 Here is the doc library that contains all documents scanned in by Lee. 📄
🖼️ Here is the figure gallery that contains all figures scanned in by Richard. 🖼️
🚗 This parking lot contains misc. text and info that needs placement. 🖊️