Initial Aims

Of the list of Successes on the Brief History and Longer History pages (both with identical numbering), only numbers 1, 2, 3, 9, and 12 were already being worked on -- and most of these just beginning to be -- when RAM was forming in late 1992. Those, and the other 18 successes, happened for two important reasons:

First, as history unfolds, unanticipated needs arise.

Second, RAM had prepared itself to be able to turn such needs into opportunities, and then deliver solutions. This preparation resulted from two primary focuses:

  1. RAM focused steadfastly on figuring out how to minimize disposal, the best way possible, in line with its Mission Statement.
  2. RAM focused on high-quality talent management, aimed at best utilizing what became available, as efficiently, humanely, and sustainably, as ever-limiting circumstances would allow. It was the failure to do this, by other groups, which led to the need for this. RAM did it well.

Both of these two are interrelated. Perhaps the most important characteristics of those with high quality talent are:

  1. having a focus on, and yearning for, success, and
  2. having the work ethic to make that happen.
Copyright © Recycling Advocates of Middle Tennessee
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